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Participant form

Thank you for your interest in the FNJA! This might be the beginning of a great adventure that could lead you to becoming a French for the Future ambassador!

First, tell us a little bit about yourself:

Participant Contact Information

Do you want to sign up for French for the Future's newsletter in order to receive more information about our other programs?


Do you identify as a visible minority?
Do you identify as First Nations, Metis or Inuit?
People with disabilities can be defined as those who have difficulty with everyday activities or who have a physical and / or mental condition or a health problem that reduces the type or amount of activities they can do (examples: difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers, or doing any other physical activity, difficulty learning, remembering or focusing, emotional, psychological or mental health problems, other health problems or long-term persistent or suspected conditions, for at least six months.) Are you a person with a disability, as defined above?
Do you live in a rural area or in a small town (less than 10,000 inhabitants)?
Parent/guardian information
Parental permission
If you are under 18, you need permission to participate in the National Ambassador Youth Forum. Ask your parent or guardian to read this, and to check the box below:
Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines and requirements established by Transport Canada by copying and pasting the following link in your browser: https://travel.gc.ca/air?_ga=2.17421822.675132610.1680016736-450687959.1680016736
School and teacher information
If you can’t find your school with the search bar, please fill in the following fields:
If you can’t find your teacher with the search bar, please fill up the following fields:
Please answer the following question in French: Pourquoi veux-tu devenir un ambassadeur du Français pour l’avenir ? Pourquoi souhaites-tu participer au FNJA ? (250 words)
Copy and paste the link to your video here. In your one-minute video, you must:

- introduce yourself in French (provide your first name, last name, school, city, province, and language category, i.e. French first language or French second language)

- answer the following question in French: Si tu étais choisi comme ambassadeur, quelle activité pour promouvoir le français voudrais-tu mettre en place dans ton école ou ta communauté ?

The video must be hosted on a video platform such as Youtube, Dailymotion or Vimeo, must be public, and must be no more than one minute in length.
Self Evaluation
Additional fields - FNJA