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2024-2026 Bilingual Young Leaders

Participant Contact Information

Do you want to sign up for French for the Future's newsletter in order to receive more information about our other programs?


Do you identify as a visible minority?
Do you identify as First Nations, Metis or Inuit?
People with disabilities can be defined as those who have difficulty with everyday activities or who have a physical and / or mental condition or a health problem that reduces the type or amount of activities they can do (examples: difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers, or doing any other physical activity, difficulty learning, remembering or focusing, emotional, psychological or mental health problems, other health problems or long-term persistent or suspected conditions, for at least six months.) Are you a person with a disability, as defined above?
Do you live in a rural area or in a small town (less than 10,000 inhabitants)?
Parent/guardian information
Jeunes leaders bilingues
Do you take actions to improve or help your community? Do you volunteer for an organization? What are your missions? What did you learn?
Were you ever in a leadership position? Please describe. What did you accomplish? What did you learn?
Did you ever develop initiatives? Please describe. Who did it serve? What did you learn?
Please describe your vision for the Francophonie in Canada. How would you make this vision a reality?
If you were chosen, what project would you like to suggest to the youth committee? Please describe.
How many hours a month can you commit to the project?
Is there anything else you would like to share or add to convince us that you are the best candidate? (accomplishments, competencies...)
Please upload your CV here.
A trip to Ottawa is planned for the first year of the JLB mandate. The trip for the 2024–2026 group is planned for January 10th to 12th, 2025. French for the Future covers all costs.
By choosing “yes” you are indicating that you are committed to coming to Ottawa on those dates.