2023-2024 Donors & Contributors
List of donors and contributors for the fiscal year starting April 1st, 2023, and ending March 31, 2024
$25,000 +
Catherine Graham
Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
Government of Ontario
Lisa Balfour Bowen
Margaret McCain
$10,000 +
Government of BC (BC Ministry of Education)
Employment and Social Development Canada (Canada Summer Jobs)
Government of Manitoba
Government of Nova Scotia
Michael and Renae Tims
Power Corporation of Canada
Allen and Marion Lambert Fund
(William Lambert)
Canadian Parents For French - Nova Scotia
Clair Balfour And Marci Mcdonald
New Brunswick Community College (NBCC)
College de l'Île
Ministry of Education and Early Childhood Development – New-Brunswick
John Ralston Saul
Marie Berges (Azrieli Foundation)
Nona Heaslip
Economic Development and Employability Network of Prince Edward Island (RDÉE PEI)
The Whiteside Foundation
UNI Financial Cooperation
Université Sainte-Anne
Université de Moncton
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
Canadian Parents For French - New Brunswick
Public Service Commission of Prince Edward Island
Gabrielle Fredette Fortin
Martin Katz
Michel Samson
Department of Education of Newfoundland and Labrador
French Health Network
Saint Mary's University
Sean Ingram
The Vimy Foundation
University of Ottawa
YMCA of Greater Toronto
Alec Boudreau
Alex Gunaseelan
Canadian Parents for French - BC Yukon Branch
Canadian Parents For French (National)
Christina Kaye
College Educacentre
Danielle Arcand
Denis Fontaine
Helena Grossman
Jenn Mitchell
Judith Sabourin
The Francophone Cultural Centre of Vancouver
Marie-Pierre Lavoie Translation Inc.
Mary Arab
Michael Salvatori
Micheline Dubé
Mona Ansari
Myriam Lafrance
Nicolas Daoust
St. John's Public Libraries Board
Staunton Bowen
Theatre La Seizieme