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This public call for nominations seeks to fill a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) Director positions for French for the Future’s Board of Directors. French for the Future’s Board of Directors is a national, volunteer board, which meets four (4) times a year by teleconference, and one (1) time a year in person, for its Annual General Meeting.

The election of new Directors will take place in Ottawa in September 2025, as part of the 2025 Annual General Meeting.


Founded in 1997, French for the Future is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to promote French and official bilingualism to students from grade 7 to 12, who are registered in French second language or French first language programs in a linguistic minority context. Through the work of the following seven programs, French for the Future reaches more than 40,000 students from across the country each year:

  • Local Forums;
  • National Ambassador Youth Forum;
  • National Essay Contest;
  • Franconnexion Sessions;
  • Bilingual Young Leaders;
  • Fr+;
  • United Bilingual Correspondents;
  • Lance ton balado contest.

We work to help foster in Canadian students a feeling of belonging in French, which places emphasis on biculturalism in the pluricultural and multiethnic context of our country. We believe that over and above the French programs offered in schools, young people need to find this internal motivation that pushes them to retain their French for the rest of their lives, thereby becoming bilingual adults and professionals.

You can learn more about our history here.



The Board of Directors is responsible for the governance and accountability of the organization. Among their responsibilities are to establish the vision, mission, strategic priorities and overall direction, and to monitor progress as well as compliance with relevant legislation.

Directors attend Board meetings, which are held approximately four to five times per year, and an Annual General Meeting in September. They also participate on one of the Standing Committees – Finance, Nominating, Strategic Plan Committee or Executive. These committees meet as required, usually one or two times per year.

Directors are required to offer their diverse talents and time to ensure the responsibilities of the board are fulfilled. Responsibilities of Board members include the following, to:

  • Attend regular Board meetings and participate in deliberations by asking questions, expressing views and suggestions, making or seconding motions and voting.
  • Accept appointments to Board committees as members or chairs, attend committee meetings and assist in carrying out committee work.
  • Assist in fundraising.
  • Prepare for meetings by reading and considering agenda documents in advance.
  • Take responsibility for self-education by seeking information necessary to understand issues and to contribute meaningfully to discussions.
  • Attend, when possible, social, public information/education, fundraising and other events sponsored by French for the Future.
  • Identify people in the community who have the backgrounds and skills needed by the Board and give their names to the Nominating Membership Committee for possible inclusion in the Potential Directors Bank.
  • Be an ambassador for French for the Future in the community and an advocate for the people served.


There are many rewards by serving on the Board of Directors:

  • Sharing with a team in the accomplishment of doing something important for linguistic duality in Canada;
  • Using your skills in new ways, addressing very interesting issues;
  • Meeting people who share your interests;
  • Developing new skills;
  • Developing your volunteer knowledge and skills – in the future, you may want to help other charities, too;
  • Being associated with an organization that has been helping your community since 1997.


French for the Future is looking for candidates who possess knowledge of, and who have experience in some or all of the following areas :

  • Information technology
  • Risk management
  • Fundraising and donor relations
  • Human resources
  • Accounting and financial management
  • Community involvement in Canadian Francophonie and/or Francophile environments
  • Secondary and/or Post-Secondary teaching in a minority linguistic milieu

In order to have a balanced geographical representation on the board of directors, priority will be given to candidates from P.E.I., Newfoundland and Labrador, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the territories.

Given the mission of French for the Future, bilingualism is an important asset for Board members. While most board meetings are held in French, without simultaneous translation, directors are free to speak in the official language of their choice, and the minutes reflect the transition from one language to the other during meetings


To apply to join the French for the Future board, click here to fill out the application form.

Interested candidates must submit their application before April 30, 2025.

If you would like more information about what is involved in being a member of the Board, please contact:

The interim Executive Director of French for the Future
Kathleen Mulawka