Edmonton Local Forum 2022

From Tuesday, February 15 to Friday, February 18, 2022.
From Tuesday, February 15 to Friday, February 18, 2022.
The French for the Future Local Forum, in collaboration with the Campus Saint-Jean of the University of Alberta, will bring together approximately 100 students from grades 10 to 12, immersion schools, French as a second language and Francophones in the Edmonton region and northern Alberta to prepare for a future in French. Due to the unexpected nature of this pandemic, the Local Forum will take place online over several days on February 15, 16, 17, 18 2022.
Like every year and even more so this year, we have designed interactive workshops, a TEDx Talks-style lecture series and many more activities. In addition to experiencing a program that is both entertaining and educational, students will also have the opportunity to meet engaging bilingual mentors, to forge links with other students in the province and to broaden their knowledge of the local and international Francophonie, enough to stimulate the pride of the language that unites us!
This event has always been very much appreciated by young people in the past and this year, without exception, it will be a wonderful experience for the participants.
Come in large numbers to discover the joys of the French language!
Day 1 February 15 2022 |
12:40 PM – 1:50 PM | Opening Ceremony and Guest Speaker Mathieu Gingras | Zoom | 250 |
Day 2 February 16 2022 |
12:20 PM – 1:15 PM | Droits de la personne | Zoom | 250 |
1:20 PM – 1:55 PM | Échanges | Zoom | 250 | |
2 PM – 2:50 PM | Paroles d’immersion | Zoom | 250 | |
Day 3 February 17 2022 |
12:20 PM – 1:15 PM | Bourses / réseaux | Zoom | 250 |
1:15 PM – 2 PM | Entreprenariat | Zoom | 250 | |
2:05 PM – 2:55 PM | Quiz d’immersion | Zoom | 250 | |
Day 4 February 18 2022 |
12:45 PM – 1:30 PM | Cultural activity with Roger Dallaire and closing Ceremony | Zoom | 250 |
*The events will be recorded so students can view them when they have time.
Edmonton Local Forum Coordinator
For any questions about the Edmonton Local Forum, please contact the coordinator at: edmonton@francais-avenir.org.
Originally from Quebec, Mathieu Gingras obtained his undergraduate degree in history/geography from l’Université de Moncton. Passionate about the richness of cultures in Canada, he did a master’s degree in public administration at the same university and became its director of student development and recruitment.

Roger Dallaire
Storyteller, musician, comedian, puppeteer and folklorist. Roger is an accomplished artist and is passionate about history and Canadienne French traditions. Whether he’s playing the accordion, taping his foot or telling us about one of his amazing adventures as a young farmer, Roger will take you into his universe with all the energy, humour and fantasy of amazing storytelling.